Despite the Limits

Three Steps to Making a Difficult Decision

Scot Storey Season 1 Episode 14

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This is episode 14 and is a continuation of the decision making theme from episode 13 where we talked about choices, decisions, and consequences. In this episode I discuss a way to approach difficult decisions. Not necessarily the way, but a way.

Here are three practical steps we can take when facing difficult decisions? 

(1)Learn the limitations and challenge the constraints
(2)Consider what failure might look like before you start
(3)Stick to the basics

This is the link to Episode 13 – “Choices, Decisions, and Consequences” if you have not yet listened to it or would like to review.

I refer to Episode 11 – “Failure is not your enemy” in step 2. Here is the link if you want to go back and check it out.

Here is a link to information concerning the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Good information about why it had a space component to it. – Article titled, “The Space Race” edited February 22, 2020.

Link to information about John F. Kennedy’s push to place a man on the moon as part of the Cold War effort. Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum article titled, “We Choose to Go to the Moon: JFK’s Moon Shot” dated December 11, 2017

Link to a Wikipedia article about the German economist Horst Siebert. He created the concept of the Cobra Effect and how incentives can work against the desired outcome.

The Foundation for Economic Education produced a fun video about the Cobra Effect. Here is the link to their YouTube video, “What Cobras Can Teach us About Incentives” uploaded April 23, 2019.

The following links are information about Eugen Kranz and his role as a Flight Director with NASA. These are found on the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum website with links to YouTube.

Gene Kranz – “Failure is not an option,” uploaded June 4, 2021

Gene Kranz – “Role of the Flight Director”, uploaded January 18, 2021

Below are some YouTube links with scenes from the movie Apollo 13 that illustrate some of the things I talk about in this podcast.

Appollo 13 – “Failure is not an option”, uploaded by Binge Society on February 9, 2021

Appollo 13 – “Make this fit in the hole for this using nothing but that”, uploaded by Abontu on December 4, 2013

Apollo 13 – “Finest Hour”, uploaded by Leah Sherman on November 30, 2015

Let’s continue the conversation!